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Fun filled Ideas For Toddler Birthday Parties

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Playing is essential in a toddler’s life. It is through this medium that they learn about most things. As they play and have fun, they unknowingly gather knowledge, which moulds their future personality. Toddlers love playing games with their parents, the babysitter and the neighborhood kids. Games enhance a child’s creativity and advance their initial development.

Hence, including games at your toddler’s birthday is of utmost importance. Entertaining games are likely to keep toddlers and others who are present at the birthday party totally engrossed. Decide what games you plan to include on the party beforehand. Also, plan whether you intend to keep it indoors or outdoors.

Include fun games that will develop the kid physically and improves his/her mental fortitude. Try to keep popular games or create your own versions. Just keep in mind that the sole purpose of the game should be to keep them entertained and happy.

Birthday Games Ideas for Toddlers

Rent A Atlanta Moonwalk or Bounce House

At Have A Ball, you can rent a moonwalk, bounce house, or inflatable jumper to entertain your guest.  We have an array of moonwalks to choose from to meet your needs.  Visit us online at or call us at 404.346.4151.

Watch them Dance

This is a very simple, yet an interesting game that makes sure every toddler has a fabulous time. Sneak in the party room and turn on the stereo. Play any song with some catchy music. The sudden introduction of music will surprise them.

See their bodies sway automatically. And get ready to see the most enthralling and satisfying talent show. You will be laughing with joy, as the little angels try to swirl and shake. Moving their body according to the music is a good physical exercise.

Bubble Mania

Which toddler doesn’t like to chase or break bubbles! Arrange this game amidst the green and healthy nature surroundings. Gather a huge vessel full of bubble soap solution. Get bubble wands of different sizes. Teach them the difference between big and small.

Another way to ignite their curiosity would be to make them observe how you prepare the solution. Make them feel inquisitive. This is the secret to expand their imagination. Let them try to hold the bubble wand and blow bubbles. Encourage them by joining them as they chase the bubbles.

The Hokey-Pokey Game

This is a very old and popular game for kids. But it’s very engaging. Make them stand in a circle. Imitate the motions as per the corresponding words of the song. Few lines from the song are mentioned below:

“You put your right foot in; you put your right foot out”
“You put your right hand in; you put your right hand out”
(Direct them how to do these)

Initially, the kids won’t understand how to respond to the words with their actions. Take a lead here and guide them. The game would be a great learning experience for each of them. Select simple body parts that most toddlers would know, otherwise they will get bored after some time.

Compliment the Winner with Rewards

Whatever games you include in the birthday party, ensure that you reward every winner. You can buy candies, cuddly toys, coloring books and Fischer Price toys as gifts. A reward usually instills confidence in kids and motivates them to do much the better next time.

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Here at Have A Ball Party Rentals, we offer an array of services.  We rent inflatables such as: Atlanta moonwalks, bounce houses, moon bounce, bouncy house, bouncers, jumpers, slides, combination units and obstacles courses.  In addition, we rent concessions such as cotton candy machines, snow cone machines, and popcorn machines, tables and chairs. One of our event planning specialist can handle all aspect of planning your event or assist you with decorating or organizing a portion it.  We also offer Printing Services for your special event and custom party decorations.  Visit us online at or call us today at 404.346.4151.

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